Sustainability in Commercial Interior Design

Sustainability in Commercial Interior Design

Sustainable Commercial Interior Design

Do you want to create an eco-friendly space that will wow clients and visitors while also doing good for the planet? 

Incorporating sustainability into commercial interior design is an effective way to accomplish both goals.

Designing with sustainable materials and techniques can help reduce businesses’ environmental impact by limiting their overall energy consumption. And it can be done without sacrificing comfort, functionality, or aesthetics.

Let’s dive into why it's important for business owners to prioritize sustainability in their office design from recycled materials to green lighting solutions. Build a space that looks great and puts sustainability at its core.

The Basics of Sustainability in Interior Design

Sustainability in interior design is a growing concept. It seeks to reduce the environmental impact through the continued use of recycled materials, energy-efficient appliances, and other “green” practices. 

Sustainable design is not a one-and-done box to check. It’s a new way of approaching how we interact with the environment.

Interior designers can create beautiful, functional spaces, yes while also considering environmental impact. By using long-lasting, responsibly sourced materials, companies can have on-brand interior designs with a lower environmental footprint.

In addition to finding furniture or fixtures that meet sustainability criteria, designers may opt for energy-efficient lighting and look for ways to reduce the use of toxic chemicals in products and surfaces, including in a fitness center.

To simplify, sustainability in commercial interior design boils down to four major principles:

  • Reduce waste

  • Minimize energy consumption

  • Reduce environmental impact

  • Enhance the occupation experience by improving the built environment

“Green” is not always Sustainable

As environmentally conscious living becomes increasingly relevant, it's not uncommon for one to hear the words 'green' and 'sustainable' used interchangeably. 

However, environmentalists and marketers often disregard the differences between both concepts. They may not even be aware that the two terms mean something different.

Green refers to practices that help the environment. This includes reducing how many resources we use and how much pollution we make. 

Sustainable goes a step further. It includes the economic benefits, social equity, and environmental health of a situation and its impact on future generations. 

This means that while green practices are good, they are not enough to make sure our planet is healthy now and in the future. Achieving true sustainability means that everyone takes responsibility for their actions. 

A simple example of this would be wind turbine energy. Today, they can produce electricity for homes and businesses without the need for fossil fuels. However, the production, maintenance, and disposal of these massive metallic structures may leave future generations in a difficult situation. How can they be reused or recycled? Is the cost sustainable?

Luckily, the architectural, engineering, and construction industries (AEC) have the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification program to rely on for guidance. Sustainability is a key point in their grading scale.  

When it comes to interior design elements, however, it’s a little tricky. That’s why it’s important for business owners to look deeper than the “green” label and consider whether a product or material is truly sustainable before making a decision.

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Considerations for Sustainability in Commercial Interior Design


When designing a commercial interior, it’s important to factor in the impact of your choices on the environment. 

Life Cycle Assessment

An (LCA) is a useful tool for assessing the environmental impact of products, materials, and technologies used in commercial interior design. 

By performing an LCA analysis, designers can understand and compare the environmental impacts of different products over their entire life cycle — from the sourcing of raw materials, to manufacturing, use, and end-of-life disposal or recycling. 

This information allows interior designers to make informed decisions on which materials and technologies to use that will align with the overall aim of sustainable commercial interior design practices.

Responsible Sourcing

Responsibly sourced materials are also a key component of sustainability in commercial interior design. For example, choosing wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ensures that it has been sustainably harvested from certified forests where biodiversity and healthy ecosystems are maintained. 

Other responsibly sourced natural resources such as bamboo or cork also provide excellent alternatives to traditional wood species for flooring, furniture, and other components in a space without sacrificing quality or longevity. 

It’s important to note, that these materials serve as a responsibly sourced alternative if they are sourced locally. Importing products often does more harm than good through transportation alone. 

U.S. General Services Administration Guidelines

Let’s also not forget - the principles of sustainable design, according to the GSA, can serve as a useful guide for interior designers.

These guidelines include reducing energy and water usage, incorporating renewable energy sources, using durable building materials with low emissions, reducing waste generation, improving indoor air quality, and so much more.

Learn: All About Schematic Design

Sustainable Methods and Practices for Commercial Interior Design

Now that we have discussed the importance of sustainability in commercial interior design, let's look at some of the sustainable methods and practices for achieving it.

Surface Enhancements

Sustainability can be incorporated into commercial interiors through a variety of surface enhancements. For example, when painting, one should opt for low-VOC (volatile organic compound) alternatives. 

These paints emit fewer toxins, making them better for both you and the environment. 

Similarly, recycled materials and fabrics can be used to create unique looks with good acoustic properties. Natural materials like cork are great for sound dampening and are stylish at the same time.

Window Coverings

Another great way to create a sustainable commercial interior is by utilizing energy-efficient window treatments. Shades, shutters, and blinds are all good options for this purpose. 

For example, specialized window films can be used to block out the sun’s rays during hot summer days and allow natural light in during colder months. This also improves the efficiency of HVAC systems — further limiting your energy consumption.

Automation systems, motorization, and smart technology can maximize efficiency and comfort by allowing you to control a variety of window coverings from one centralized location. When combined with clean energy, the benefits become even greater.

Furniture and Indoor Structures

Furniture and indoor structures are also essential components of sustainable commercial interior design. It is essential to choose furniture that is certified as responsibly sourced or made from renewable, recycled, or repurposed materials. Durability is also important. The longer it lasts, the less waste you generate.

Prefabricated or modular building components are also becoming increasingly popular for their speed of installation and long-term sustainability. While they may be more expensive up-front, the long-term benefits are hard to ignore.

Also, consider utilizing sustainable, water-based adhesives and low-VOC sealants. Solvent-based adhesives are commonly used in the furniture industry, but they contain volatile organic compounds that can be harmful to both you and the environment. 

Instead, opt for assembling your own furniture, using products that won’t reduce indoor air quality.

Lighting Design

While natural light should be prioritized, artificial light is necessary in most indoor spaces. LED lights provide bright, even illumination while also consuming less energy than traditional bulbs. Task lighting can also help reduce power consumption by shining only where it’s needed. 

Using natural light whenever possible is another great way to save energy. Many sustainable designs add skylights or window walls to allow sunlight indoors. Finally, installing motion sensors can reduce waste even further by automatically turning off lights when they’re not being used. 

Sustainable Flooring

Reclaimed and recycled materials can be used for flooring, providing an eco-friendly option that's often just as attractive as new materials. Radiant heating systems can also be installed to reduce energy consumption, and carpets can act as insulators to help retain heat. 

Investing in higher quality materials such as hardwood or tile will not only look more aesthetically pleasing, but they are also known to last longer than other floor coverings. This will save you time and money in the long run.

Sustainable Textiles

Selecting natural or repurposed materials for upholstery, floor coverings, and wall treatments can help create a sustainable commercial interior design. Natural fibers like cotton, linen, and hemp are incredibly durable and can often be sourced responsibly.

You should also consider the process a textile has undergone, as many textile dyes are extremely harmful to the environment.

Creating a sustainable commercial interior design doesn't have to be difficult, and the rewards are well worth the effort. By leveraging the latest techniques and technologies, you can create an aesthetically pleasing environment that's friendly to both your wallet and the planet.

If you’re considering reusing a space, check out Restaurant Design: How to Convert an Industrial Space.

Now that we’ve gone through some methods of incorporating sustainability into your commercial interior design practices, let’s review some of the most significant benefits.

Better for the Environment

Sustainable interior design can have a significant impact on the environment. By using recycled materials, energy-efficient appliances, and other green practices, interior design can reduce waste and lower energy consumption as well as harmful emissions from traditional building materials. 

For example, opting for bamboo flooring over hardwood can reduce deforestation and create a more planet-friendly option for flooring. Additionally, choosing to use LED lighting instead of incandescent bulbs can consume 80% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs. 

Better for your Health

Sustainability in interior design is also better for our physical health. By reducing exposure to toxic materials and pollutants found in some traditional construction materials, such as vinyl flooring, or solvent-based paints, sustainable interiors are better for our long-term health. 

Replacing synthetic carpets with natural fibers or using responsibly sourced wood can also help keep indoor air quality at safe levels.

Increased Value

As sustainability becomes increasingly popular, investing in eco-friendly interior design can add a premium to the value of your space by increasing its desirability among buyers looking for a greener commercial environment.

Easier To Maintain

Easy maintenance is important when it comes to sustainability. This is especially true given the lifespan of some materials used in interior design projects like carpet or wall paint. 

Modular carpets, in particular, are easier to maintain. This is because small sections of carpet can be replaced as needed, rather than replacing the entire carpet And generating more waste. 

More Cost Effective In The Long Term

Sustainable interior design may seem more expensive than traditional materials initially, but it actually pays off in the long run.  Both businesses and homeowners benefit from its greater longevity as they won't have to replace items or fixtures as often. 

Installing water-saving fixtures like low-flow toilets and showerheads, smart thermostats, and LED lighting will also help save money on monthly utility bills over time.

Aim to Raise Environmental Awareness

Finally, investing in sustainable interior design can also help raise environmental awareness among clients and employees. By showcasing your commitment to sustainability, you become a leader in the field. You can demonstrate to others that green practices don’t have to be costly, complicated, or unattainable. 

Promote a high level of environmental awareness and educate occupants through signage or other visual displays about the sustainable materials and practices used in your building. An integral aspect of sustainability is awareness. A sustainable future requires well-informed people.

You can also engage with stakeholders and local organizations to develop more sustainable solutions for your building and neighborhood. By doing so, you add value to your space while making a positive impact on the environment.

Don’t forget to make yourself more aware. Work with professionals who have experience in sustainable commercial interior design. Learn what you can from them to create a beautiful space that won’t negatively impact the planet, and apply these principles to every facet of your business. 

With the right practices, you can make sure your building looks great and takes care of the planet in the process.  


Sustainable interior design is a great way to ensure that your building looks beautiful, conserves energy and resources, and promotes environmental awareness. Investing in sustainable practices and materials pays off long-term while also helping to protect our planet and the health of its inhabitants. 

By learning more about sustainable interior design and how to incorporate it into your building, you can ensure a healthy and aesthetically pleasing space that serves both your needs and those of the environment.  Have fun exploring the possibilities of sustainable interior design - you may be surprised by how much it has to offer!

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